Gary Mitchell MBE, PhD

Full Name:Dr Gary Mitchell MBE  
Degrees:Type & ClassSubjectDate & Organisation
Bachelor of Sciences1st Class  Nursing  July 2010
P-G Qualifications:Type & ClassSubjectDate & Organisation
Master of Sciences Doctor of PhilosophyDistinction Pass: Minor CorrectionsAdv. Practice Nursing NursingDecember 2011 July 2017
Present Post/Role:  Reader & Director of Postgraduate Taught Education, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast.  
Previous posts:        2010-2012: Dementia Nurse Specialist (Four Seasons Heath Care). 2013-2015: Dementia Care Advisor for Four Seasons Health Care (Wales & Northern Ireland; Lead for 80 care homes). 2015-2017: Research and Education Nurse Lead for Four Seasons Health Care (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland; 350 care homes).  
PublicationsI have more than 200 research outputs (28.9% which have an international collaborator), an H-index of 16 and my work has been cited 944 times (35% first author and 21% last author papers): Source Scopus (Sci-Val).  
Summary of recent grant funding (Last 3 Years):I have been part of teams that have secured 32 successful funding grants.  This includes £600,000 as a principal investigator and £1.8 million as co-investigator (an overall total of £2.4 million).  
MiscI have been awarded an MBE for services to Nursing & Dementia Care. I am currently the chair for the Royal College of Nursing’s Older People’s Forum.  This forum represents more than 12,000 nurses and support staff providing care to older people in the United Kingdom. I am a board member of the European Academy of Nursing Sciences (EANS). I am a publicly appointed member of the Northern Ireland Practice & Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC) Council Board. I hold the title of QN (Queen’s Nurse) in recognition of my contribution to nursing practice, education and research in the field of community and care home nursing. I occupy the role of editorial board member with BMC Geriatrics, BMC Nursing and the Journal of Advanced Nursing. I hold an active Fellowship with Evidence Synthesis Ireland. I am an active Coach in the Council of Deans #150 Leaders Programme. I am a current member of the NICE Clinical Guideline Committee for CG1O3: Delirium: Prevention, Diagnosis and Management. I am a current member of the NIHR Research Programme for Social Care (RPSC) Funding Committee. I hold the role of external examiner at the University of Liverpool (BN Nursing), University of Southampton (MRes Clinical & Health Research) and Trinity College Dublin (MSc in Dementia & MSc in Specialist Gerontology Nursing)  
Signature:           Date:     29.01.2025