Zsuzsanna Balogh

Current positions:Assistant Lecturer at University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies Doctoral Studentship
02.2021. – Present:  Lancaster University PhD Health Research
09.2017. – 09.2018.:University of Roehampton, Psychology MSc, Sport and Exercise Psychology
09.2012. – 06.2014.:University of Szeged, Faculty of Psychology Psychology MSc, Clinical and Health Psychology
09.2008. – 06.2011.:University of Szeged, Faculty of Psychology Psychology BSc
Professional Experience
09.2020. – Present:Assistant Lecturer University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies
02.2019. – 08.2020.:External Lecturer (part-time) University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies
10.2018. – 08.2020.:Psychologist Office of Health Promotion Makó, Hungary  
Research interest
Sport psychology Health psychology Physical activity and mental health Wellbeing Bereavement Ageing  
Poster and oral presentations
Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Tod, D. People’s experiences of how physical activity influences health and wellbeing during bereavement. Oral Presentation. British Society of Gerontology 53rd Annual Conference. July 2024.   Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Tod, D. People’s experiences of how physical activity influences health and wellbeing during bereavement. Poster Presentation. 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology. June 2024.   Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Tod, D. Examining the effects of physical activity on the impact of older people’s bereavement in ELSA data. Oral Presentation. British Society of Gerontology 52nd Annual Conference. July 2023.   Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Varey, S. The impact of physical activity interventions on bereaved older people (carers and non-carers) in Pennine Lancashire Oral Presentation. Lancaster University Centre for Ageing Research (C4AR) Town and Gown Event. October 2022.   Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Varey, S. Impacts of physical activity on the effect of bereavement on mental health and wellbeing among older people Poster Presentation. British Society of Gerontology 51st Annual Conference. Online. July 2022.   Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Varey, S. The impact of physical activity interventions on bereaved older people (carers and non-carers) in Pennine Lancashire Oral Presentation. Joint Symposium to celebrate 15 years of the Lancaster-Sunway partnership. Online July 2022.   Balogh, Zs., Holland, C., Palmier-Claus, J., Varey, S. The impact of physical activity interventions on bereaved older people (carers and non-carers) in Pennine Lancashire. Oral Presentation. FHM Postgraduate Research Symposium. March 2022.